Saturday, June 9, 2012

Update on the little man ....

Brock is now 5 months old. Time has flown by so quickly, I really am blown away that we are almost halfway through his first year of his life. Life with Brock has really rocked. We just adore him, we love watching his grow and learn new things everyday.

Life has been busy, exciting, exhausting and new. Here is an update on Brock's progress.....

Size: The last time we went to the doctor Brock was about 14pds but we know he has gained a few pounds since that point. He has transitioned from our long and lean little boy to our chunky monkey! He has full on cankles and a double chin. We love it! At 4 months Brock was in the 50th percentile for height and weight and 75th for head.

Feeding: Brock is still eating 8 times a day. He will not go longer than a maximum of 3 hours without eating. He is very much into eating! We starting feeding him solids at 4 1/2 months. He seemed really ready to eat and after giving him one bite, I knew he was. He loooooves to eat! So far we eat rice, sweet potatoes, squash, zucchini, green beans and carrots. I try to feed him rice, one green vegetable and one yellow. He eats a full plate of food every night! Every single bite! We defiantly have a eater on our hands. We are trying to grow a lot of what Brock is eating and then I make homemade baby food and store it in the freezer. Its so much fun to make and I know he is getting such great nutrition. What I can't grow, I buy and then make into baby food.

Sleeping: Brock is pretty solidly sleeping 7-8 hours, nursing then sleeping 2 more hours. He does randomly get up some times but that is usually the result of us getting off his schedule.

Personality: Brock is such a happy, smiley, little boy. He is constant flirt when we are running errands, people are constantly coming up to him and he hams it up with everyone. He is very social, loves to be out and about and constantly doing new things. He is easy going, naps pretty easily wherever we are and falls asleep even when its loud. This has been really helpful for us because we don't feel like we are a prisoner to his schedule. We just let him fit into whatever we plan to do that day. I know not all babies are like this and everyone tells us we are lucky to have such an easy going baby. However, when Brock is hungry, he is relentless! He will scream bloody murder until you feed him!

Fun Changes: Brock started rolling over a day before he turned three months old. Now he rolls and rolls and rolls! He also stands up really strong on his legs and is constantly looking around and laughing at Zeke. He LOVES Zeke! And Zeke loves him. They are so cute playing on playmate together. Tummy time for both of them! Plus, Brock loves going for long strolls and we try to go on a couple family walks in the evening. Its a nice time for all of us and we really enjoy that time.

Brock is also sitting up on his own now. He falls sometimes but he looking so cute trying to stay up.

Brock also is also a big giggler, he laughs so loud, people stop and laugh at him. Which of course, makes him laugh more.

Swimming... I am a big advocate of teaching kids to swim at a early age and just getting them comfortable  in the water. From the day Brock came home, I have had him in the big jacuzzi bath swimming around, floating of his back etc. A few weeks ago, we started bringing him to the pool and he loves it! We put him on the ledge and count to three, he smiles so big and jumps in. So much fun!

Ok, thats it for now. Life is great. We love being parents. We are doing a good job of making time to leave him with a sitter and taking time to ourselves also. We try to have a date night once a week or every other week. We have fun plans this evening to see a musical at the Hippodrome and dinner at the Paramount with friends.

Hope everyone is enjoying the warm weather upon us! We are so ready for plenty of beach time this summer and some relaxation around home.
