Monday, August 6, 2012

Crossing the halfway mark....

We have passed the halfway mark for Brock’s first year and life couldn’t be better. While we have good days and challenging days but we are really enjoying the ride. Brock is growing by the second. At six months he is rolling over constantly and scooting around on his tummy. He isn’t crawling yet but he will get where he wants to go. He is really into standing constantly. He doesn’t want to sit down for very long. He can hold onto something and stand by himself for about a minute or so. He sits by himself really well now.

Brock loves to ‘talk’ and is extremely verbal. He has two bottom teeth coming in and loves to show them off with his big smiles. Zeke and him are best buddies and Brock loves to watch Zeke’s every move.

Loves: Bath time , swimming and anything water related, fruits especially sweet potatoes, apples and blueberries, playing peek a boo game, singing songs especially ‘The Wheels on the Bus’, and ‘ Here comes Peter Cottontail’, going for walk’s in the baby bjorn ( facing outward), flying around in daddies arms, visiting new places and seeing new people

Dislikes: Being in his car seat over a couple hours, Solid food with too much texture, putting on his PJ’s after the bath

Appearance, Brock is just one chunky monkey at the moment. We keep waiting for a growth spurt to hit but right now he is short and chubby. He has the bluest eyes we have ever seen that people stop and stare at. His hair is coming in super white so he looks bald in most pictures. He loves to curl his toes and smiles constantly. He has long fingers and loves to wrinkle his nose at you.

This month we did our annual beach trip to Anna Maria Island with Matt’s family ( sister and family and parents). We had a wonderful house that had an elevator to bring our stuff up (best thing ever!), a nice pool with hot tub and a short walk to the beach. We had a great time swimming, going for walks on the beach and watching fireworks. It was a great trip. We plan to head to the beach a couple more times this season. We are also hoping to plan a trip to New England in the fall to see the leaves change.

 Hope everyone has a wonderful summer.

All the best,
