So, starting from the beginning. Matt and I have talked about having kids 'one day' pretty much for the past 10 years. It was always a far off thought about what we would name them, what they may look like, whose personality they would get ( of course, mine :)) etc. When we first got married and decided we would travel instead of have babies, we decided we would give it 5 years of independent fun before we even talked about it more. We stuck to our guns and celebrated our 5 year anniversary trip to Greece and Turkey. We decided we still weren't 'ready, ready' so decided we would wait a little longer then one random day, I was like what the hell, we are never going to be 'ready' for a bbay so lets just take the plunge. I think I took to pregnancy like any thing in my life, head strong, all in, and organized. The first couple months we tried the 'free spirit' approach to pregnancy, like it will just happen. Then I got impatient after a few months, go figure and took to pregnancy like it was a college course, documenting my cycle, ovulation, diet etc. Shocking I know! And the first month of organization, I was blessed to get pregnant. Note to everyone that says oh it you stop trying to get pregnant, you will get pregnant... uhhh I hate this comment, first of all, no you won't and second of all it leaves people thinking that they are overreacting and something must be wrong with them because they are 'trying' and God, forbid, you actual try for anything. Plenty of awesome people I know out there, are trying to get pregnant and it just hasn't happened for them yet. There is nothing wrong with them, they are great people that would be able to provide a child such an amazing life and it makes me so sad to think they have to struggle through this process while people just act like it is easy for everyone. Its not like this for everyone and I really hope people think twice before asking someone why they don't have kids or assuming something is wrong with them because they don't. Sorry to rant, I just know a lot of couples that struggle with this and I find it frustrating for them.
Ok, back to the happy part :) So the first week of April I woke up and I knew it was the day I could take a pregnancy test for results so of course I got up at like 6am, which I NEVER do, and took one. And low and behold two lines popped up but wait the lines were not really that strong... or were they. I sat in the bathroom for awhile thinking that maybe I was actually imagining it soI took a couple more, same thing... I went to show Matt and he had the same reaction, two lines but really were they both as strong as they needed to be. We decided no so off to work I went and while I was sitting there trying to work, I kept thinking, Oh man, I could be pregnant and I just have to know. I hate secrets. So I left work, ran to Walgreen's, bought the real deal pregnant test's that say Pregnant or Not Pregnant ( at this point I needed words, not freaking lines!) and sat in the bathroom taking all of these and lining them up on the counter. And they all said Pregnant, I was shocked. I remember thinking oh my gosh, am I sure I really want this? Sorry but thats your first freak out moment, what have I done. So I text Matt, told him to pick me up at 11:30, we had to go to lunch. So he shows up and I ask him, so you will not believe who is having a baby ( you would have thought he would remember from the morning but no, completely clueless), he is like, ' huh, who'? And I pull out the test's and I am like, we are! I always thought I would tell him in some cute, romantic comedy kind of way, but no, it was eating Mexican food at Las Margaritas. His first response was, well can't you have false positive tests? I am like NO, you are either pregnant or you aren't. There isn't a middle ground. So I schedule a doctor visit right away and after she confirmed it, he finally was convinced. Then I told him he couldn't tell ANYONE, for at least 12 weeks. This was like telling a kid they couldn't go to Disney, he wanted to tell people but I was adamant, way too many friends I know have had miscarriages and I just didn't want some huge announcement to only have to disappoint people. Wow, it was such a HARD secret to hold in but we did it. Right after this discovery, we flew to Ireland for what was suppose to be a pub crawl, Jameson, Guinness adventure and it was but I was sipping decaf coffee and not enjoying it quite as much as I wanted to!
Fast forward to finally telling people the great news! Right before July 4th weekend, it just so happened Matt's sister was in town and both sets of parents so we wrapped up sonogram pictures for the moms, as a late mothers day present and gave it to them to open at the same time. They were SHOCKED. After 6 years of being married, I think pretty much everyone I told was shocked. It was really fun to share the news with all our friends and family. Everyone has been so extremely supportive and it has made us realize how blessed we really are. So if you are reading this, thank you so much, from the bottom of our hearts for being so wonderful to us and making us realize how awesome it is to be having a baby.
We videotaped telling our family....
I remember our first ultrasound appointment, around 15 weeks, like it was yesterday, I was laying there, palms sweating to death waiting to hear that this baby was really a healthy baby and everything was fine. It was at that moment that I realized it didn't matter if it was a boy, girl, one baby, multiple babies.. whatever. I just wanted to hear their heartbeat and know that they were okay, that was giving them everything they needed. The amount of responsibility you feel at that moment is really not one that you can ever describe to anyone that hasn't gone through it. To want more for someone than yourself. Its pretty incredibly. I remember hearing his heartbeat and being blown away by how developed he was already. He already looked like a little person, it really blew us away. The nurse also said at that moment that if she was to guess, she would say we were having a boy. This surprised me because I was dreaming of pearls and tutu's so what was I to do with a little boy. A few weeks later, this was confirmed and we found out we were having a healthy baby boy.
Matt and I hosted a gender reveal party a week later and our family and closest friends came to hear the news. I made 50 cupcakes and filled them with blue icing. We passed around champagne and everyone took a bite out of the cupcake. It was so much fun and it was a great way to share the news.
When I thought of what pregnancy would be like, I imagined I would be throwing up non stop and feel really crappy most of the time. It couldn't have been more opposite for me. I have felt great, really completely normal with no symptoms at all. I am not saying this to brag but just to remember it. I have been lucky enough to never be sick or tired which was a huge worry of mine. I have been able to workout this whole time, which has really helped me feel great. I ran until about 30 weeks when the pressure became too much. I go to spin class 3-4 times a week and on the other days walk, do weights or Pilates. For me, working out has made me keep my energy and agility up. Yes, I am slower but I feel empowered by being able to feel great and run around all day while caring this big baby with me.
Oh did, I mention BIG. Yes, even though I am a little person and I work out like crazy I think I am destined to have a huge baby. I was almost 10 pounds when I was born ( no my mom did not have diabetes and yes she was tiny) and Matt was over 9 pounds so I have had this huge concern over having a really big baby. About two weeks ago, I had an ultrasound set up to just check Brock's size and low and behold, he was measuring almost 8 pounds already and has an inch of spikey hair all over his head. Funniest thing you have ever seen. I thought I was going to have a panic attack, my blood pressure spiked up and they made me lay down for a few minutes. My doctor reassures me he won't be over 9 pounds and that I can deliver an 8-9 pound baby. Ok, still freaked out but I am over it at this point. It seems that big baby genes mixed with big baby genes do not equal a 6 pd baby. Oh well, I am over it, I am ready to meet our cuddly baby boy even if that means I have to push him out!
So a few more fun things to add like where Brock's name came from. Brock is my mom's maiden name and I was very close to my grandfather and I always wanted to name my little boy Brock. Luckily, Matt loves it also. And his middle name, Harrison, is just a name we both really like. Every family name starts somewhere, right? So why chose a name you don't really like and go with what you want... so there you go Harrison :) His name will be Brock Harrison Urban and by the looks of his nursery he will have no problem remembering his name or monogram!
I am now nearing on 39 weeks pregnant, my last appointment showed progress. I am 50% effaced and 1 cm dilated so that is all great news that my body is progressing right along. I would really like this labor start to be as natural as possible, its been such an easy, natural process so far that I would love to just wake up one morning, rested, water break and have him that day. That is not say I will not be getting an epidural. I am no super woman. I will not be winning any trophy's by not getting drugs and hell 85% of people get an epidural and look at all these healthy babies out there so I will defiantly be joining the 85% :)
Some pictures from around 15 weeks onward...
15 weeks
20 weeks
around 22 weeks
26 weeks
30 weeks
Ok, thats all for now! Gotta get to bed to give this baby some rest.
More blogging later.
Merry Christmas!
ReplyDeleteLoved reading your blog and I can't wait to meet Brock!!